When we're young we get a lot of information about the world through ,
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most children remember from their childhood is reading books either with
their parents or while they were a school.
Grade school children
are constantly cracking open a book to learn about what happened in the
history of the nation as well as the history of the world. There is,
however, one problem with this: most of the books that children are
given to read were written by people who came out on top. For instance,
students rarely read a book that was written by the loser of the wars
that , Elsa
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The same concept
holds true to the writers of the books. Most of the novels that were
written when slavery existed were written by white people. This is
because they were the most educated people and were the ones who were ,
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Black authors, at this time, did not really exist. This is because most
of the would-be African American authors weren't taught how to read and
write, and so the stories that they made up simply weren't put down on
There are a few instances, however, which were the
exceptions to the rule. The first is Phillis Wheatley. Phillis Wheatley
was taken from Africa as a child and was sold to the Wheatley , Elsa
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kindness that she was taught to read and write, and she used her
learning to publish a book of poems. Another more controversial story is
that of Fredrick Douglass. Fredrick Douglass actually wrote a book
about himself, which now can help readers understand who he truly was
and what he was all about.
There are many stories out there that
children, as well as adults, can read to learn about history, but very
few pieces of work that were written by African American authors. It is
actually extremely important that we show our , Elsa
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helps them to understand the full scope of what it was truly like living
many years ago, back when slavery was considered normal and when blacks
were considered to be second degree citizens. Most historians claim
that only by knowing about the past can get a true understanding of
ourselves as a people.
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